Your career path begins here at GIU

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2020

As new interested applicants along with their parents joined us on the 17th of Feb, 2020. in an orientation to introduce the progressive market-oriented programs and the diverse graduate potentials of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science, they got a future fast forward glimpse of how they will be enabled to become GIU graduates belonging to the most highly demanded community of data experts in the world!
The orientation was hosted by GIU President Prof. Matthias Knaut, who introduced Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen from HTW Berlin University and GIU Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science Prof. Dr. Klaus Baer from Technical University of Ulm.

سجل اونلاين:

المستندات المطلوبة للتقديم:


الشروط والمتطلبات لطلبة الثانوية العامة:

المتطلبات للتقديم للطلبة الوافدين \ الغير مصريين:

 الشروط والمتطلبات لطلبة الدبلومة المريكية: